Thursday, February 10, 2011

WOOOOOOT for the weekend! I’m ready to catch up on some sleep, too…I did not want to get up today! I had a pretty good day, for the most part (but I’ll get to that in a little bit).

I had 2B first and to start out Fran had the kids act out different animals and the others had to guess what they were. Actually, the original plan was to just have them make the noises, but then they all got into it and acted them out too! We then did an activity where I described certain animals from their book (wearing different colored hats and holding different objects) and they had to guess which picture it was. Later, just like with the other class on Monday, I asked them what their favorite food/drinks were.

Instead of going to 6B right away at ten, I stopped into see Aurora, because she’d been saying since Tuesday that she would take a look at my application to reapply for the program. It took longer than I thought: first she looked at my letter and I thought she was going to print it off, but she said something about tweaking the margins a bit…I guess the paper here is different. Then I pulled up the application itself and we were trying to input more info and it wouldn’t let us for a while, it said it couldn’t be done and yada, yada, yada! In the end, I don’t know what changed, but we were finally able to finish it and print it out. She said they’d send it in for me, along with the principal’s evaluation, so my part is done—they have my letter and app!

Third hour was five years B. We talked about different costumes (carnival is in a few weeks!) such as a pirate, witch, ghost, teacher and policeman (I realize it’s not politically correct to say “policeman”, but that’s what they teach them at that age). We then came up with gestures to do whilst listening to a song on CD and ended class with “Simon Says”.

The last two hours I was with the four-year-olds. The second class were prefect little angels and we had fun, but the first class behaved terribly! Hence the reason I said my day was good for the most part. I mean they usually do talk and get off track easily—that’s part of dealing with four-year-olds—but they’ve never been so intolerable!

There’s this one little boy who always acts out…never listens, hits, screams, I mean you name it, he does it. Today Sandra had to sit right down next to him the whole time to make sure he wasn’t up, running around crazy. So that left me…and I’m really not comfortable being the “main” teacher. I don’t know them too well and they don’t know me; I only see them once a week. Not to mention there’s a language barrier. I mean, I can communicate with them, but not as well as the other teachers.

So while Sandra had her hands full with this one little boy, I tried (to no avail!) to keep order with the others…they ran amok, all 20 of them—there was hitting, screaming, crying and toys everywhere. Finally when the hour was up, the regular teacher came back in and kind of looked around, but didn’t say much. Then, as we were leaving, she was like “Wait, Sandra, we need to talk later because you left my classroom disorganized and now I have to clean it up.” I didn’t check everything she said, but I got the gist of it. First of all, it’s not like that happens every time; this was the first time. Second of all, there are 20 of them and two of us and third of all, they’re four…yes, sometimes your class is going to get messy and you’re going to have to clean it up. We were both just mad because she was annoyed with us. I think we did our best for how they were acting!

Now, I’m just at home, chillaxing...I’m kinda thinking that a nap is in order! Since I don’t have a lesson today, I can totally take one! I need to catch up on my sleep for sure…everyday this week I’ve grumbled as my alarm went off!


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