Friday, February 11, 2011

The streak of good weather continues…what a beautiful day! I feel like I’ve been super busy today even though I really haven’t. I had my lesson/chat with Carmen at 11:00…we talked for about two hours! About my package (which I have yet to receive…), school, religion and coffee too! She said that she has an espresso maker and loves it! Next time she said she’d make me one! She showed me her different flavor packets, which apparently you can’t get here, but in Madrid. I’m psyched for next week—she has caramel!

I left her house at one and went to the store…to get some more fruit, yogurt and such. I guess I need to not buy so much at once (because it’s super heavy to carry home!), but I am American and used to Wal-Mart! Anyway, I left with three (heavy!) plastic bags and on my way home, one of the bags burst open and my juice went rolling out into the street. I was kinda miffed that my bag broke in the first place, but also by the lady who was walking down the street with her two children, staring at me the whole time, as I tried to gather my fallen items. I was just kind of annoyed because she didn’t stop or say anything (I would have offered to help in some way) and when her little son stopped and pointed to my juice that was rolling around, she was like “Let’s go.” Woooow lady…thanks.

Luckily, I didn’t have too much in the broken bag and between the other two bags and my purse/bag; I got home with no problems. After I put everything away, I boiled some pasta for a salad and also took out some chorizo…I think I’ll make some lentils later. I’m doing a whole lot at the moment. Even though I didn’t get up until nine o’clock, I still feel really tired.


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