Sunday, February 20, 2011

I went and picked up my package yesterday! Finally, after almost five weeks of waiting, I have it! There was so much more than I thought there’d be—I totally had a second Christmas yesterday!  Thanks mom and dad!

I was planning on going to mass at 6:30 last night, but then we ended up going to a nearby town, (like half an hour away) La Mota del Cuervo, because they have a pretty nice costume shop there and with carnival coming up in like two weeks, we all wanted to look for something! Gunita’s gonna be Minnie Mouse, Javi’s gonna be a bird, Jesús’ gonna be a baby. He was like “I’m gonna be a naughty baby!” Yeah, I know he will…Will didn’t find anything he liked and as for me—say hello to a Roman goddess!

We got done I think about 7:30ish. My friend Dani called on the way back and so he came over about 8:30 and gave me some music we had talked about before. It’s actually Marilyn Manson! I always thought he was kinda weird, but Dani really likes him and so we listened to some of his songs and I like him to now!

I went to mass (the kids mass!) at 11:30 this morning. I actually thought it was at 11, so I left here at 10:35 and got there ten minutes later and the doors were locked. Yeah, it was actually 11:30, so I went and walked around for a while to pass the time. I came back at about 11:10. I knew that there would be a million of my kids there, when I ran into like 20 of them on the way there.

I sat down and then Carlos and his friend Pablo came and sat down by me (without their parents)…there were a lot of kids without parents. So I was pretty much their babysitter. I don’t know how many kids I saw there—a ton! And each one, every time they saw, was like “CORNI!!!” Even as they were going up for communion, like 15 of them were like “HELLO!” rather loudly…so much for the tranquility of the House of God!

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my day. But, if I end up doing nothing else I’ll be ok with that. I went to mass and therefore took a shower and got dressed—that’s more than say about last Sunday, so I’ve already been more productive, haha!


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