Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I left for the post office about 8:30 this morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t get anything resolved—yet. I thought all I had to do was fill out the sheet they sent and then take it to the post office. I got there and the guy was like “Oh, you need to fax this and then you’ll have to pay to have your package sent here, from Madrid (even though it was already paid for once, when it was sent…what the heck??). So I was a little annoyed this morning and told Aurora about it and (thankfully!) she said she would call and get the “scoop” on what exactly I have to do.

Because I went to the post office, I arrived to school about ten minutes late and then spent another ten talking to Aurora, so I didn’t get to class (three years) until about twenty after; so I didn’t have too much time with either class…we did greetings, went over some shapes and numbers and that was it.

5A was after that. They were finishing up science in English when I got there. We then talked about the city of Oxford and all the things there are to do and see there—malls, movie theaters, museums, etc. Portions of Harry Potter were even filmed there, which I didn’t know! I then asked them questions to check for comprehension and realized that I still don’t know some of their names…not good, I know!

In 1B, we didn’t get a whole lot accomplished. I don’t know what the deal was today, but there were just really antsy; up and down, hitting, talking—they just didn’t behave well. We reviewed some things from last week and I read them a story from their books and that was about it.

In five years A I read them a story that had to deal with park vocab and then they did a worksheet. Last class was 6A. We listened to a story on CD about Kimani, the oldest pupil in the world. Then I asked them comprehension questions.

As we were leaving for the day, I heard the regular 6A teacher say something about crying and Pilar told me that one of the students had broken the window with his head and he didn’t want to go home to face his parents. I asked if it was on purpose and she said yes, but I think she might have misunderstood. Apparently he was beating on the window with his hand to say hello to some students outside down below.  And then for whatever reason he started to pound his head against the window and it broke…oops! It doesn’t sound like it was on purpose, so I don’t think it was.

On my way home I stopped at the store to get some more mandarins and ended up with several more things too! That’s the way it always goes though, right? I had some leftover lasagna for lunch and I’m thinking that a nap sounds pretty good about now…since I did get up a whole 20 minutes early today!


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