Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What at gorgeous day! The sun is shining, the wind is only slightly blowing and there are very few clouds in the sky! I’d say it has to be at least 60 or 65 degrees! I think it’s supposed to hit like 70 on Friday or Saturday! It was so nice to walk to school this morning and not be freezing!

I made the fudge yesterday and it was a success! Or at least the flavor was…the consistency is a little off—it’s rather soft, not hard like it should be. It made two pans and I took one pan to school. I should have just left it in the pan, but I decided I was going to take it out and wrap it up in some foil, in an attempt to make it easier to transport. I cut it up in the pan and then dished it onto the foil—which probably was mistake number 1. By the time I got it all onto the foil, it had lost most of its shape and was kind of just like this big blob. I was going to put it out for everyone to try at school, but it was WAY too soft! So, I put it in the fridge and I’ll put it out tomorrow!

First hour I had 5B. I went over the same vocab with them that I went over with 5A yesterday. Then María José checked some homework with them.

Third hour I was with 1A. They had a little quiz of sorts, in which they had to color their vocab words the appropriate colors, then trace the words on the bottom of their sheet. It took the entire time! Some students got it done super quick and didn’t have problems, and other students just did not grasp the concept. Espe and I went around the class to make sure everyone was doing alright and there were several students whom I had to stop with and be like “Which is the color orange/green/blue? Which is the bike/swing…?” Later, with one outrageously hyperactive student, I had to sit right next to him in order to get him to work.

Second, fourth and fifth hours I was with fourth level. Rocío had printed off a coloring sheet of the US flag and so they colored that first. She then put up a US map and we talked about a few selected states, just about their location and capitals: North Dakota, Virginia, Texas, Oregon and (of course!) Nebraska. She wants to focus one state each week and talk about it. Later we looked at the seal of the United States/the President’s seal and talked about that. I always learn so much in her classes! For example, I knew nothing about the seal before today and now I know, like, everything about it and I also thought the capital of Oregon was Portland and totally told second hour wrong. Later I looked and saw that it’s actually Salem—oops! My bad…

Right now I have my window open (because it’s SO nice!) and I’m listening to the happenings going on outside in the street below. It’s really relaxing! It maybe naptime soon, if I get too much more relaxed…but I’m totally down with that!


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