Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I don’t want to jinx it or anything, but this has been like the fifth day in a row of fantastic weather! It’s so nice! I’m looking out my window right now and there’s not a cloud in the sky—just miles of clear blue!

First hour today I had 5B. Since it’s the first class of the day, there’s generally “first thing” things to take care of—like collecting their exams they took home to get signed and just others things to start off the day. By the time we actually got started with class, we had only about 40 minutes. I went over homework with them for the remaining time.

Second, fourth and fifth hours I was with the fourth years. We talked about Valentine’s Day! There was a little section in the book, which I read to them and then we made, or started to make, at least, (we didn’t have enough time to finish in any of the classes) our own Valentine’s cards. I showed the one I made for an example and they were all like “OHHHHH, WOOOOOOW!” Some construction paper, cut-out hearts and some glue can work wonders! I taught the class (and Rocío!) the word “stellar”! One of the phrases I wrote in my card was “I hope you have a stellar day!” Also, “I love you more than chocolate!”

Third hour was 1A. Espe played the song about shapes for them and they were supposed to do they actions (while we watched, to see what they remembered), but they just kind of jumped around and didn’t really pay attention to the song. I explained a worksheet to them after that (a picture of a park), where they had to color, for example, the triangle shapes red and the circles orange. They did pretty well with that…I walked around and made sure they had the colors right!

I have my lesson with Carlos this afternoon because they have something else to do tomorrow. Plus, I think Emi said he has a science exam tomorrow—which is bilingual—so getting some extra practice/studying is a good thing. After that…I don’t know for sure, but there is only one more day left in the work week!


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