Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another beautiful day! It’s about 60, but it feels so much warmer than that! I totally got hot walking home—and if you know me at all, that says A LOT! I shared the fudge during recreo today and everyone who tried it said it was really good! One of the teachers was like “Are you trying to make us gain weight?” Haha…maybe I am! I’m glad they liked it!

In 2A I made a list of animals and characteristics, just like I did for 2B on Monday. The sixth animal was “sheep” and so I wrote the number “6” on the board and they were like “what’s that?” Apparently my sixes aren’t Spanishy enough!

Second hour was 6B and we corrected homework for much of the time. With the last about ten-ish minutes, we did another dictation. We didn’t have a whole a lot of time, so I only said two sentences…but they seemed to get it better than 6A on Tuesday. Thank goodness!

Then came five-years B. I read them a story about a clown and then they did a worksheet, in which they had to match the word (policeman or doctor) to the picture.

The last two hours I was with the four-year-olds. With “B” we did the same thing we did with “A” last week—read the story about the bee and then did the worksheet where they had to color the bee and draw in a flower. In A, we tried to do this cut-out, like, craft activity, but it had a flaw. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize it until the kids had already started working, so it was kind of a flop! Oh well…you never know unless you try and they didn’t seem to mind!

I have my lesson with Carlos at four (in about 45 minutes!). I’m going to bring them some fudge! 1.) Because Emi is always making things for me and I thought I’d repay the favor for once and 2.) That way, I won’t eat it all myself!

Also, I’m meeting some of the teachers from school at for a café at the bar, Abadía, at six. I’m sure Emi will stuff me full of her sinfully delicious pastries beforehand, so I’m not sure if I’ll actually have anything—I’m gonna guess no though…I usually eat very little after my lessons on Mondays and Thursdays. But, I’ll be able to chat with them, so that will be nice!


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