Sunday, February 13, 2011

It’s not going to seem like it (because now that I’m writing my thoughts down, it doesn’t seem like that much) but I feel like I did a lot yesterday. I actually got up (not just woke up!) at ten. It was another gorgeous day and so we had the windows open, let the fresh air blow in and cleaned for a bit. I went to the store afterwards to pick up a few forgotten items from the day before. I then went to mass at 6:30 again at San José.

From there I headed to Arturo’s because we made plans to go see Romeo and Juliet (the play). It was supposed to start at 8:30, but being that we’re in Spain (gotta love them laid back Spaniards!), it didn’t start until about 8:45. Oh no, wait…the actual play didn’t start then. Apparently, there had been some sort of poetry contest and the winner read her FIVE poems. It was funny because after she read them Arturo was like “I could have written a better one to win 50€”. He probably could too…Also, the mayor spoke a few words.

It was after nine (I think!) when the play started. It wasn’t only Shakespeare’s version…it was mixture of Lope de Vega and someone else too (whose name, of course, I can’t recall at the moment). I liked it (or what we saw of it, at least…we left at five to ten because our posse had dinner reservations for ten). It was very Spanish—loud and flamboyant. On our way out I stopped in the restroom and when I came out, Arturo was talking to these two gentlemen. So, of course, I joined the conversation. The older man told us about his daughter who had studied English. I recognized the younger man, having previously met him one awkward night at La Komba. The mayor walked up as we were on our way out the door and the older gentleman called out to us and was like “here, meet the mayor!”…so we did!

I thought we would be late to dinner (though I don’t know why…I always forget where we are!) because we had stayed to chat for a little—but of course not! We got to the restaurant at 10:15 and we were only the second ones there. The rest (we were 12 in all) showed up within ten-ish minutes. Dinner was just alright—almost everything was fried…mushrooms, croquetas, chicken wings and some meat and French fries. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—one of the very few things I don’t like about Spain is that we share everything when we go out. I‘m still not sure if that’s just how our group does it, or if it’s a general Spanish thing, but I’m not a fan. Maybe I’m just being a grouch, but I want to order and enjoy something that I like and pay for just that…I don’t want to pay for wine or beer that I didn’t drink.

By the time we finished, it was about 12:30 and I was already tired (I started feeling sleepy at mass). Everyone had planned on going out and I was like “NO!”. Jesús was like “What’s wrong? You were so quiet at dinner.” I was like “Yeah, dude, I’m tired!” So I came back, while everyone else went out.

As per usual, today has been my lazy/nothing day. I’m still in my pajamas, in bed, and I have no intention of getting dressed or leaving the house. Here’s to another fabulous Sunday! My idea, at least…


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