Saturday, February 26, 2011

It’s gotta be at least 70 today! My little weather thing says it’s only 66, but I think it’s lying! We went to FeriaStock about 11:45 and it wasn’t nearly as big or cool as I thought it was going to be. Jesús was supposed to come and 11, but then he was gonna come at like 11:30 and pick us up and drop us off and then go back for Teodora and her mom (who’s in town for the weekend). And we were like “well that’s just silly; we’ll walk—it’s such a beautiful day!” So we did and were there for like 20 minutes…it was just small and boring.

We got home about 12:30 and Conchi came over and we went for cañas. We sat outside in the sun! It was great, the only thing was after a while, it was a little on the hot side! We were there for a while before the others showed up (Jesús, Arturo, Teodora, her mom and her boyfriend), so we sat for a while longer and chatted.

It’s a little after three o’clock now and I have a few hours of relaxation to enjoy before mass at 6:30. The children’s mass last week was ok, but I think I prefer to go when 50 little children aren’t shouting my name! I’m not sure what’s on the agenda for tonight. We talked about doing something at cañas, but as of right now, nothing’s definite.


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