Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Presidents Day! On this day, that our country remembers all of our past (and present…) leaders, I had quite a busy morning! On my way to school, I always see kids…and that’s when the first one said “I saw you at mass yesterday!” I heard that like 37 times today! Yes, yes, I know, I didn’t forget. That and, “Did you like the mass? Did you understand it? My brother/sister/friend saw you!” Awesome, so they go home and tell their families they’ve seen me. One of the teachers was even like “So, I heard you went to mass yesterday.” Sweet—it’s parents and teachers now too! Yep, I’m officially a rock star!

6C had several workbook pages to correct, so I went over them with them. Then Pilar was like “Oh, you could do a dictation with them!” Me: “Suuuuure.” I didn’t know, (and still am not totally sure exactly what is—because I don’t think we actually did a real one) but had an idea of what a dictation was… and let me tell you, the words “writing” and “boring” were the first words that came to mind! Basically we/Pilar entitled it “Courtney’s Weekend” and I made up sentences (some true…some not so much!) about what I did. They may have been too complicated though because after every sentence, they were like “WHAT???” Pilar said they weren’t too hard, but I’m not sure…

In 2B, still working with farm animals, we put the flashcards on the board and I made up sentences about each animal. Sentences like “The pig has got four legs.” “The hen has got feathers.” It was really weird writing and saying the “has got” part, but that’s what they’re used to. I was tempted to add a British accent in there, you know, to make I sound more authentic—but I restrained myself! Oh those British and their proper English!

During my free hour at recreo, I started looking for possible activities to do for Saint Patrick’s Day. I found poems, songs, games and coloring sheets galore! The hard part will be narrowing it down!

3A and B were busy making their costumes for carnival, so I basically sat there the whole time and watched them do that—not that that’s any different than what I usually do, I guess! I helped Lourdes cut a few things out for the costumes (third level is going to be police officers!).

I’ve got (wait—listen to me…when you’ve been in a country for five months that teaches British English, you’re bound to get affected! I also say “flat” a lot too…) my lesson with Juan An in about half an hour. They have an English exam on Wednesday, so I’m sure we’ll study for that. I think I’m gonna come home and take a nap after that, because I’m T-I-R-E-D!


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