Friday, February 18, 2011

My package has finally arrived! Or it’s at the post office, at least...I got a little slip in the mail today saying that it was there. I don’t think they actually tried to deliver it though, because someone was here all morning. At least the post office is open on Saturdays— so I can go get it tomorrow!

At eleven o’clock I went for my chat with Carmen. She made espressos! It was so good…real European coffee! She served some chips ahoy like cookies with it; those were good too! We talked until about 1:15, about many different things—my package (before I knew I got the little slip), politics (Sarah Palin, go figure!), war… Franco, slavery, Nazism (of all things!  We’ve had some pretty deep conversations!) and Jane Austen! She showed me a book about the places in her novels, places she frequented, things like that. She has a couple of books that I’m going to barrow sometime. And some afternoon we’re going to watch a movie—she has Pride and Prejudice, The English Patient and a few others!

I went to the store after I left her flat for several things. When I got back Gunita asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with Jesús and her. I was really hungry and it sounded good so I went. Teodora and Arturo went too! We went to Sastre. I had arroz a la cubana, pechuga de pollo and natillas for dessert. I’m so full now! I don’t think I’m going to eat dinner, or at least a real meal—maybe like a yogurt or something.

Just kinda hanging out now…I’m sleepy. It’s pretty quiet around here. My cold won’t give up…it’s hanging on for dear life! I keep like blowing my noise, then sneezing, and then blowing my nose again. Yeah—it’s about as fun as it sounds. I hope it’ll wave its white flag soon…maybe tomorrow?


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