Tuesday, February 15, 2011

…and the good weather has officially ended. :( It’s cold, rainy and gloomy today. I’m not too surprised though, after all it is still winter. I’m just thankful for the beautiful weather we had last week!

It was pouring when I left for school this morning! God was totally watching over me though because Pilar and José Carlos were just leaving their building again when I walked by. So I didn’t have to walk in the rain after all…thank you, Lord!

I had the three-year-olds first. After we sang the “Buenos Días” song, the maquinista/helper of the day, Víctor, called out everyone’s names. Then we practiced numbers, colors, shapes, modes of transportation (car, bus, train, etc.) and places around the city. They sure do get off task easily, but they’re so darn cute!

I didn’t have 5A today because fifth went to Madrid to visit El Prado and I think watch a basketball game as well. Third was 1B. Espe had them color shapes, cut them out and make a mobile out of them. It sounds pretty simple, right? Well, in theory, yes…but it took so long! Most of them weren’t even done break rolled around.

Fourth hour was five years A. We reviewed carnival costumes and then tried to play a really simple game where I took one flash card away and they had to guess which was missing. The only problem was that they didn’t want listen. They were all antsy and hyper, probably because they weren’t able to go out and run around during recreo, because it was pouring all day long.

Last hour was 6A and we talked about Valentine’s Day! I read the excerpt from their book with them, listened to the song “Sugar”, I showed them my example Valentine and then set them loose to make their own.

It was only drizzling a bit on my walk home, so it wasn’t too bad! I had some lunch and now I’m totally taking a nap! The weather’s perfect for it! Plus, I didn’t sleep well at all last night—I could sleep, I like wasn’t tired, kept tossing and turning and to top it off, my stomach hurt too. So yes, this has seemed like a very long day!


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