Thursday, June 16, 2011

In exactly two weeks I’ll be home!

Well, you can tell that summer is here—the last several days, and the next several, according to the weather thing, it’s been about 90. They say it’ll be worse in July and August…luckily, I won’t be here then!

I went to the dentist last Friday and she said that I had a couple of cavities, so I had to go back on Monday and yesterday also…apparently, they only do one per visit. The dentist told me that she was also a general doctor and that my zit was infected; that was interesting. She also said that my jaw moves a lot when I open my mouth and she wanted to give me this thing to wear at night to help it. That’s also interesting, because I’ve been going to the dentist twice a year for about 20 years and no one has ever mentioned that problem to me. Hmm…

The books I’d ordered from Amazon came on Monday, though I didn’t get them until yesterday. Apparently, they were delivered by a private company and when no one answered our door, they left them with the butcher across the street, which I didn’t realize until yesterday.

I also went to school yesterday to take the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies I’d made. Everyone who tried them said that they were really good (and they looked yummy too!) I stayed to watch a couple classes rehearse for the festival on Monday and left by 12:30ish.

This afternoon I went and read in the park for a while. It was rather warm, but I found a nice shady spot, so it wasn’t that bad. While there, one of the city workers started talking to me and asked what book I was reading, then where I was from and that he had met Arturo. He was speaking, like, half French, half Spanish and I was like “Dude, I don’t really know what you’re saying”. And I think he offered to teach me French if I would teach him English, but I’m not totally sure because I had a hard time understanding him… Oh, and then some cute old guy on a bike gave me some candy; it was very random, yet nice.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It feels a little cooler than it says—which is 70. It is mostly cloudy though, so maybe that’s why. They’re also calling for rain, but we haven’t seen any yet and hopefully it’ll stay that way!

I went to school today to help Rocío’s classes with their songs for the festival, but before that, I stopped at the bank to pick up the MasterCard I’d ordered. I wanted a new/different card because the one I got when opened my account, is Maestro, which is basically unknown in the world of online purchasing. Several days ago, I tried to order a couple of books from Amazon and they wouldn’t accept my card; and it wasn’t the first time it happened. So I got a MasterCard and already ordered the books I’d wanted: The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest!

I helped Rocío’s classes as much as I could, which wasn’t really much because two of the three classes are singing (Spanish) songs I’d never heard of. The other class is doing Kesha’s “Tik Tok”…I know that one at least, or rather I’m familiar with it!

I had class with Raúl at four and then I went to the store because I’m going to make chocolate chip peanut butter cookies! I originally thought I’d make them for my birthday, but it may be sooner than that…we’ll see. I also made a dentist appointment for Friday, because it’s been a while and I’m sure it’d be outrageously expensive in the US, especially because I don’t have insurance at the moment.


Monday, June 6, 2011

It’s 70 degrees and cloudy today. They say it’s going to rain, but we haven’t seen anything yet. But there’s a chance everyday this week, so if not today, I’m sure we’ll see a downpour sometime.

It’s pretty slow around here, now that I’m not giving classes at school. Although I did go in at nine to talk with Rocío about possibly working a little bit in Tomelloso until I leave. I’m still not sure if it’ll be possible though, she needs to talk with some people. She also said I should go talk with someone at the, it’s not really a language school, but they give English classes there. I also brought her some banana bread, so I hope she likes it!

I didn’t stay there long though; I was gone by the time second hour started, at 9:40. I swung by the store and then came home.

I got into cleaning mode when I got home and cleaned the bathroom and swept and mopped all the floors. I also did some laundry, so it has been a productive enough day, I guess


Friday, June 3, 2011

It’s a bit chilly today…it says it’s 68, but it feels cooler than that; maybe because the sun keeps disappearing.

I went to school at ten to pick up my certificate of participation and to get my last paycheck. I went to Carmen’s after that and was able to meet her husband, Juan Carlos, who came home for a little bit. I hadn’t seen her for three weeks, so it was good to catch up! Two weeks ago her little dog had puppies, so she showed me them. There were SO tiny and cute (all white like their mom)! I tried to pet one, but mamá gave me a growl and a look like “don’t touch my kids”, so I refrained.

We went to the supermarket a little while ago with Jesús and now it’s pretty quiet around here. Will’s leaving tonight to go home until August, so it’ll be just me and Gunita until I leave.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today it’s sunny and 64 degrees!

It was more or less my last day at school. And by more or less, I mean that I’m going tomorrow to get a certificate signed for my participation in the program and then next Wednesday I’m going to help Rocío’s classes practice their song of the festival. Other than that, my time’s pretty much done. I’m gonna try to find some extra classes, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to…

I got to 2A this morning and Fran said they had an exam—no one ever tells me when they’re going to be! It was alright though, because I had to go talk to Aurora anyway. I had her send my end of the year reflection. I didn’t think it would take that long, but she sat there and read it and then sent an email to the people in Toledo. By the time I got out of there, there was only like 15 minutes left in second hour (which is 6B—not my favorite class) so I went to the Sala and hung out for a bit.

Third hour was five-years B. Espe passed out two or three cards to each student (and me!) and we played a Go Fish type of game (minus actually saying “Go Fish”) with numbers, animals, colors and shapes. I was surprised—they were really into it and didn’t want to stop for “breakfast”.

I left after recreo and got home about 11:45. We went and paid our June rent after that, last time until October! The landlord and his wife are so cute! They’re super old (literally like 90) and we had to ring the bell twice before she answered the door. Gunita and Will had also tried to go before I got home, but they never answered the door. So they went over to the paper store across the street (which he owns) and were told that they were there. So they just didn’t hear. Then later when we went, she didn’t see me and basically shut the door on me…


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy June…I’ll be home within a month!

It’s a lot cooler than it has been the past few weeks…it’s 61 and mostly sunny. I’m not sure what’s causing the cooler weather, but it was supposed to be like 73 today.

Since it’s now June, school lets out a one o’clock instead of two. The morning classes are 40 minutes and the afternoon 45. 5B was first hour and I read them a section about extinct animals and some of their descendents today. For example, the wooly mammoth and the elephant and the megalodon and the great white shark.

With the fourth levels I thought we were going to talk about Flag Day a bit more, but instead we discussed three states: Idaho, Maryland and Tennessee. Rocío told them that I may be there next week and I may not (we’ll see) so this could have been my last class. It was cute because there was an audible gasp and I saw several jaws drop too.

We listened to this story on CD in 1B and then they did a worksheet in which they had four puzzle pieces in addition to the pictures from the story and they had to spot and color the differences.

I forgot that we have to write an end of the year letter, detailing our experiences in the program. I saw Will’s lying on the table and he said it’s due by the fourth (CRAP!)…so I guess that’s what I’ll be doing this afternoon.
