Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear Weather,

Please make up your mind! Don’t get me wrong or anything, I’m grateful that it’s partly sunny (and 52!) momentarily but like 20 minutes ago it was completely overcast and raining…of course that had to be while I was walking home, didn’t it? At least you don’t waver on the wind, I guess; that’s forever constant these days. Seriously though, what’s up with this un-almost-May-like chill?


Today was pretty easy. I worked with the 6Aers on spelling and pronunciation practice. Marilu had this interactive SmartBoard program and they had to group letter sounds together and then spell random words. 6C is a little ahead and has already done that activity so instead I asked them a bunch of questions to practice time and verbs in the past. I asked questions like “What time did you speak with your mother last Friday? What time did you fly your airplane to the Unites States yesterday?” Some were hard, some were easy…those were probably the harder ones!

Analen was busy doing some science activity and she said I didn’t have to stay, so I hung out in the Sala de Profes third hour.

To the first three-year-old class I reread the story of Ellie pretending to be a police officer, a doctor and a teacher. Afterwards they did a worksheet where they had to put on stickers of a teacher and doctor. We didn’t read the story in the second class though and we did a different worksheet. This class had to put on stickers of a hat and one boot on Ellie and Max and then color Poppy’s coat.

Class at 4:30 and NO SCHOOL tomorrow for Día del Trabajo/Labor Day!!!!! Only three days this week…SWEET!!!

Exactly five weeks to go!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

It’s been a rather chilly weekend, especially for being almost May! Right now it’s completely overcast and 46…my weather thing says it’s currently raining but it’s not. I don’t think it’s rained at all today; though it looks like it could start at any time.

I went to the bank to deposit my check on Friday morning (because now that’s it’s April they’re on summer hours and not open late Thursdays). Afterwards I went to the post office to do the Western Union business. Then it was Sherlock time with Carmen! We watched the last episode of season one and’ll start season 2 next (well, I guess technically it’s this…) week!

It was cold and dreary yesterday. It rained on and off the entire day. It was actually dry for a couple hours before mass, so I was hoping I could get out without getting poured on. Yeah, that didn’t happen. About five minutes before I left I heard it start (of course…I always happens like that!) so I grabbed my umbrella and thought “meh, no prob!” WRONG! No sooner than stepping outside it started POURING! That, together with the wind, made the walk suck…BAD! By the time I got to church I was soaked through and through! So mass was a very wet and cold experience last night. And interestingly enough it was all clear blue skies when I left the church. Really?! I was pretty happy to get home and change…

It’s supposed to be rainy and chilly tomorrow as well…like, what the heck? Where is this warm spring weather we should be having hiding!?!?


Thursday, April 26, 2012

It’s still windy these days, but at least it’s nicer—70 today!

After the day/week/month/weather jazz in five-years A, I read them a story about Mouse, who goes for a walk in the country and encounters several animals along the way. Later on, we finished watching Wallace and Gromit, which Ana had started showing yesterday. And she gave out very few stickers too…they were quite antsy this morning!

I read four-years B the story of the Monkey Family Picnic, hopefully for the last time! Then they did a worksheet in which they had to color in six sandwiches (food from the story), cross out four of them and lastly decorate the number six on the page.

We went to the video room with 2A and we watched the CD/DVD video of their story “Ruby and the Cake Competition”. I also asked them questions about the story and we talked about means of transportation, too.

Four-years A did this little “worksheet” where they had to cut and fold certain lines to create this guessing game using fruit vocab—apple, banana, cake, sandwich. It’s so simple, but they loved it! I started playing with one little girl and then they all bombarded me and interrupted each other so I’d play with them!

We talked about Earth Day in 6c. I basically showed them the videos and everything I had from Rocío’s search.

Class with Javi at 5:30 today and later at 7:30 with Ana and Marina. Oh and I got paid today too…WOOT!!!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It’s partly cloudy and 73 today…though with the wind it doesn’t feel as warm as that.

In 1A we reviewed/talked about the three water forms (forms or states? I don’t know…). I read them a little description from their books and then they had to describe a solid, liquid and steam (that’s the word it uses in their books, but to me that just sounds weird…guess I’m used to gas or water vapor) and give examples of each.

Luis Miguel brought his classes to the video room and we continued our discussion of the United States: we listened to The Star Spangled Banner–the first video didn’t have Spanish subtitles, but the second did, or else they would have been totally lost—and then watched a video about the “greatest” US cities, which I think had a lot to do with population, too.

Third, with five-years B, we sang a little bit and then we played memory…so predictable! While they were “breakfasting” Ana had me look at her PowerPoint she’d prepared for her and Marina’s class in Tomelloso tonight. Her topic is the differences between men and women and it’s really good, like funny!

Analen had 4B make a timetable/schedule of their school day to practice times and subjects. It took practically the whole hour, so I sat there and looked at one of her teacher magazines.

No class today = Naptime!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Today it’s a partly cloudy, windy 55.

With Rocío’s classes we continued talking about Earth Day and revisited MJ’s “Earth Song”. We also watched a couple of videos I have from the BBC about the earth (short, like 5 minute clips), about nature, wild animals and things like that. They had also done an Earth Day crossword and she had me say and repeat the words.

In 1B Marina gave them picture flashcards of the members of the family and they had to write the words on the back. I guess they have an exam coming up and they’re supposed to take them home and study and “play” with mom/dad/brother/sister/whoever. She then gave them Parts of the Body flashcards to do the same.

We played Chinese Whispers/Telephone in 2B. Why they call it “Chinese Whispers” I have no idea, and I was like “What?!” when Analen told me that. Afterwards, since her computer wasn’t working (she said it’s full of viruses…that’s not good…) I read them a story instead of listening to it on CD.

Marina’s fifth started the new unit “My Country” today, so I read and pronounced the words for them (lake, jungle, ocean…). They did a workbook page and I also did a dictation with them.

Class at 4:30 and that’s it! Marina has to go to Albacete this afternoon, so we changed their Tuesday class to Thursday.


Monday, April 23, 2012

This afternoon it’s 64 and kind of cloudy. It’s still windy though…when will it let up?!?!

With the six levels (A/C) we played the question/answer game we played with B a couple of weeks ago—the one where they held up cards with answers such as “Yes, she can. No, it didn’t. No we aren’t…” after I would ask a corresponding question. Marilu said she had made up questions to ask so it’d go a little faster but she forgot them…again (she didn’t have them for 6B, either). I was just like (to myself) “Why don’t we play this on a day when you have the questions?” I wasted a little time thinking about some.

When I got to 4A they were copying down questions from the board. I’m not sure what they were for, because they weren’t really Englishy or sciencey (though they were in English) but they were questions about Spain; how many providences, autonomous communities there are, etc. Later they wrote a description of a famous person (physical characteristics) and I’m thinking play “Guess Who” tomorrow or sometime.

To the little three-year-olds I reread the story of Ellie’s Hat. Summary: She tries on a blue coat = too small, she tries on red boots = too small, she tries on a yellow hat = too big! Following the story there was a worksheet in which they had to color a hat and coat…yep, blue and yellow!

I’ve got class at 4:30 and then I’m not sure if Carmen and I are going to finish our episode of Sherlock or not…she hasn’t told me anything yet.

SIX WEEKS from today I will be going home…WOOT!!!!!!!


Sunday, April 22, 2012


Today it’s mostly cloudy and 61…it’s not too bad; at least the wind’s not being a crazy monster!

I’m hanging out, looking for future employment. We’ll see what’s out there…I don’t want to be pessimistic, but, well, I’m not feeling very optimistic at the moment! Gotta have faith and hope, I guess!

I did some laundry too. With the (sometimes) nicer spring weather things only take about a day to dry now, so yay for that! That’s about it…there shall be more to tell tomorrow!


Friday, April 20, 2012

It’s 57 degrees this afternoon; though again, it’s windy so it seems much cooler than that.

This morning Carmen picked me up and I mailed my huge box home (well, technically to Grammy, but it’s all the same!) It actually took a while: We couldn’t find a place to park near the post office, so we parked at her house (super close to the PO, prolly like a 3 minute walk, but when you’re carrying 40 pounds…it’s a bit more difficult!) and walked. It didn’t dawn on us until later that it would’ve been smart to drop me off with the bags and then have her go park! Oh hindsight, why are you always 20/20?

So we carry the bags and box to the office (whilst everyone stared at us…at felt like an alien) and the guy’s like “That’s a huge box. We weigh by volume and not just by the goods, so a smaller box would be better/cheaper (the box was, like, freaking ginormous). At that, Carmen ran to get her car, picked me up with the bags/box and we went to her husband’s family’s store to look for a smaller one.

The same guy as before helped us; super nice! He actually opened a newly shipped box of napkins and transferred them to another box, just so I could have the perfect size! He then taped it all up (which I wasn’t expecting) ridiculously well and carried the box out to Carmen’s car for us!

We drove back to the post office and actually found a spot across the street (Thank you, Lord!) and we carried it in together. I had to fill out this form and that was pretty much it! I think in all it was about 19 kilos/42 pounds. After some insurance it came out to be $217 and some change. I’d saved up close to 300, so I was happy with that!

Because the post office thing took a lot longer than either of us thought (like an hour and a half in all) we didn’t have time to watch a whole episode of Sherlock (with school getting out at two). We watched maybe half of it and are gonna watch the rest on Monday. I had never heard of it but it’s a really good series! I was getting really into it and can’t wait for Monday now! Carmen said I could find them online if I didn’t want to, but it’s more fun to watch with someone else!

I have class with Laura at 4:30; I kinda wanted to take a nap but she’ll be here in half an hour, so there’s no time!


Thursday, April 19, 2012


It’s ridiculously windy this Thursday afternoon! It’s chilly too, 56, so that’s a bad combination; my least favorite :/.

        The majority of the day was spent with Ana in infantil, like every Thursday. First hour, with five-years A, after the usual day and weather talk, we reviewed/learned the seasons. Ana said they knew spring and autumn but not winter and summer (not really sure how or why) so we learned those and practiced pronunciation. Then we played the much loved memory game with food vocab flashcards.

To the morning four-year-olds I reread the story about The Monkey Family’s picnic, where Ellie comes in and eats everything. Afterwards we did a worksheet in which they had to color all the flowers red, color the number six in the middle page whatever they wanted and put on three stickers of sheep. I played memory with the afternoon class, whilst Ana finished cutting out food items for an activity. She had this poster of a plate and they had to come up and put on the plate what they’d like to eat for lunch—sandwiches, apples, bananas, pears or cupcakes!

Ana said she wanted to go to the video room with 2A so I went on ahead to set everything up and she brought the class in like ten minutes later. They’re learning about plants in science, so we watched this interactive story called The Lucky Seed. The seed grows up to be a…wait for it…tree (imagine that!)

Last hour with 6B we corrected some activities. We did it a little differently, though, Mari had them write the sentences on the board and in order to get their points they had to explain their reasoning. I got to play devil’s advocate and would say things like “so why is it “had” and not “haved”?” That was fun! For me, at least…bahahaha!

Happy Weekend to Me! I’ve got class at 4:30 and then it’s relaxation time! Also, Carmen’s picking me up tomorrow to take me to the post office to send my 40 POUND box of clothes home…yeah, I can’t wait to see how much that’s gonna set me back. After that we’re going back to her house to watch an episode of Sherlock, the British series. She told me when we met on Monday that she’s OBSESSED with it! It’s true, too; she rewatches an episode everyday and can pretty much quote the episodes word for word!!!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This afternoon it’s 57 and mostly cloudy, though with the wind it seems cooler than that.

We reviewed quite a bit in 1A: parts of the body, a hodgepodge of flashcards and months of the year. Afterwards they did a worksheet, but I don’t remember what it was about! Not because I was disengaged, but rather because first hour was a long time ago!

Second and last hours we talked only a little bit about the US! I’d prepared a bunch of things, as Luis Miguel requested, and then we spent a lot of time reviewing what we talked about last week (reasons to visit Spain)! The highlight for me though was getting a bunch of recipes of tortilla and paella—last week I was talking about Spanish food and said that I love both of those and apparently LM had one class write down recipes of tortilla and the other class paella. OH HECK YES!

Ana was trying to get some things graded for 2A, so before “breakfast” she put on a Disney video for five-years B about Mickey, Donald and Goofy.

We corrected an activity in 4B and then we played BINGO with school subjects and means of transportation. I was getting really annoyed with them because every time I said a word, they were like “what?” and then someone would pronounce it the Spanish way and “correct” me. I went off on them and was like “Don’t correct me! You think you know better than me, a native? I don’t think so…you’re wrong.” They stopped after that!

I’ve got class with a new girl, Laura, in like half an hour. She’s Elena’s sister, a girl in 6C, is in high school and has some important exam next week. I think we’re just meeting this and next week, but I’m not totally sure.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It’s mostly sunny and 55 this afternoon. Lately the wind and rain have been taking turns in making themselves known…today it was the wind’s turn.

With Rocío’s classes today we talked, or rather started talking about, Earth Day. I played MJ’s “Earth Song” for them and Rocío made me stop it like every other line so they could repeat the lyrics after me. It’s a pretty long song too, six-ish minutes, so needless to say that look forever. I also have some videos about nature that she’d wanted, but we didn’t get to those…so the discussion will continue next week. Oh and Marina’s class had an exam, so I sat there and chillaxed.

1B started a new unit about food, but they already know all the vocab from science (in English) so we just kinda reviewed it. Words like apple, orange, yogurt, cake and sandwich are included in this unit. They then had to follow directions and color a workbook page of a table with food.

I don’t remember what 2B did because I just sat there, and when that happens usually I don’t remember things. Analen yelled as usual and when someone asked her a question she was like “For the hundredth time, blah blah, blah…my throat hurts from all the re-explaining I always have to do!” I just smiled to myself and thought “Really? Are you sure it’s not because you yell needlessly all the time?”

Class at 4:30 and then at 6:30 with Ana and Marina.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Today it’s 52 and mostly clear; still a bit on the cool side for the middle of April I think, but Mother Nature always has her way!

I didn’t go to school today. I wasn’t planning on going in until 11 because sixth level was gone on a field trip and then my stomach started feeling really iffy. Not to go into too much detail, but let’s just say me and the bathroom were besties this morning! The feeling’s passed though, so that’s good!

Even though I was feeling off, I was able to get my box of clothes together to spend home. Praise Jesus for Space Saver bags! Without the box itself, the bags weighed 37.4 pounds…that’s a TON! The limit to send through the post office is 20 kilos or 44 pounds, so once I throw the box in there, it’s gonna be pretty darn close…to bad I don’t have another option…

Class at 4:30 and then, I don’t know what…


Sunday, April 15, 2012

It’s been a bit of a rainy and dreary weekend! It’s 52 and mostly cloudy at the moment but it was raining earlier. It also rained yesterday and Friday. Along with the rain has come chillier weather…it’s been in the 50s the past several days and appears it will continue in the foreseeable future.

The big news since Thursday is that I booked my ticket home! I’m USA bound on June 4!!! Can’t wait! Also, there has been a slight change in plans, in that mom and dad aren’t coming to visit, but that’s ok. With the new house and everything it’s just not going to be feasible. The main thing is though that they’ll be in Lincoln when I get back! Super excited for the new house!

Today I’ve been looking for activities and materials for both Rocío and Luis Miguel’s classes. Rocío wants to talk about Earth Day this week, (I didn’t know Earth Day activities existed) which is next Sunday, the 22nd, and Luis Miguel wants to discuss reasons to visit the US and a Nebraska song…I also threw in The Star Spangled Banner, for good measure!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

It’s a bit chillier at 54 today and it rained earlier too. It’s still super cloudy now.

The little helper (they write the date, we count all the students, they say what the weather’s like and then we sing about the weather and days of the week) in five years A, Héctor, was really slow so the usual starting activities took forever! We had like 15 minutes left after he finished, so I was only able to play a memory game with them and afterwards Ana stamped their hands.

To the four-year-old classes I read a story about Ellie, who eats all the Monkey Family’s food on their picnic, so Max has to swoop in and magic up some more. The morning class later did a worksheet in which they had to put on stickers of cakes and sandwiches and also color an apple and banana. With less time in the afternoon class, we played a memory game with the food vocab from the story.

2A started a new unit about Free Time and I introduced the vocab—listen to music, dance, watch TV, play football, etc. we practiced pronunciation several times, then I stuck the cards on the board and we played a memory game (I’m all memory gamed out today!) Lastly, I called up students to stick the correct vocab word by the photo.

I got to hang with the big kids (6B) last hour and we played this “game” where I asked questions and in groups of three they had to hold up the correct response. They had cards like “No, we aren’t. Yes, she can. Yes, I am. No, you don’t.” I was amused because it got really serious; they started covering up their answers whilst holding them up and tattling on those who cheated off other groups!



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It’s a warm 59 today; it’s still windy too, but not nearly as yesterday.

After our normal review with 1A we started a new unit about water—bodies of water, snow, rain and things like that. I read them a little paragraph from their books and then they had to color an ocean and river blue and later check photos if they were made up of water or not.

Luis Miguel thought I had something prepared for 3A and B but I didn’t. We’d already talked about everything I had and I didn’t realize he expected me to have more…we didn’t talk about me preparing anything else! So we talked about Spain, the places I’ve been and we asked the students if they’d been there. Next week though I’m to look for a song about Nebraska and come up with reasons why to visit the US (more like why wouldn’t you want to visit the US…:D)

I usually get to five-years B late now because Luis Miguel likes to go over the hour, I’ve discovered, plus I have to walk all the way to the other end of school. When I got there Ana was playing a memory game with food vocab and shortly thereafter it was breakfast time.

I actually didn’t hate 4B today! It was…dare I say, almost enjoyable? I told them a story, like I do occasionally and their behavior was pretty good; we even had several laughs! Never thought I’d see the day…glad I did, though!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Holy Sweet Mother of Wind, Batman! It’s 65 and sunny today, and thankfully it’s not a cold wind but still…I had to walk against it coming home and WOW!!

I got a package from Mom and Dad yesterday…thanks guys!!!!! :) I was running out of vitamins, so I got more of those! Also some good toothpaste, Easter candy (must have self control!) and PEANUT BUTTER!!!! I was not expecting that so I was and still am super psyched! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

So we are back to the daily school grind, although now that it’s April the end seems so close! The classes weren’t too bad today (I’d kinda expected them to be a little restless, not having being in school for so long, but it was fine!) With Rocío’s fifths we talked about their new unit, My Country—the vocab includes, lake, river, mountain, waterfall, ocean, jungle, etc. She also reminded me that Earth day is the 22nd, so I have to start preparing for that…I must say one thing about Rocío is I’ve never had to sit idly in her class!

Marina’s 1A was finishing up science when I arrived and later on I reviewed the parts of the body and then they finished with an Easter worksheet there wasn’t time for before break. They had to color eggs a certain color and then match that egg to the correct color (word). In her fifth, the two of us read a dialogue for the class and then they came up in pairs to read it and later did a worksheet but I don’t remember what it was about.

I read 2B a story about Ruby and a cake competition at school. All of her friends were busy, so she ended up making a chocolate cake on her own and winning first prize! Afterwards they did a listening activity, followed by a worksheet in which they had to match the correct word to the picture of the job…I guess they’re still on that unit.

Back to classes this afternoon—4:30 with Javi and 6:00 with Ana and Marina…woot for making money!!!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

This evening it is a cloudless 63 degrees! I haven’t been outside, but it looks nice!

I’ve been catching up my sleep for the past week, as I’d said I’d wanted to, so I can check that off my list of things to accomplish over break! That was basically the only thing; I didn’t really have a list…I’ve also made some extra money, giving classes to Lorena, so that’s been nice too! I’ve put all of it towards my “Sending a Box Home” fund.

We get one more day off tomorrow and then it’s back to school on Tuesday. It’s been long enough though…I’m ready to go back!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It’s a little on the poopy side today—52 with occasional rain showers. It rained a bit yesterday and it looks to be steady over the next few days. It’s not the best weather for processions, events and everything that’s going on this week, but I’d gladly take it over a humid 100 degrees.

Yesterday I had my first class with Lorena and we’ll be meeting everyday this week at four; I think she even wants to meet Saturday, too. She has an interview with the airline Vueling next Tuesday so we’re practicing for that. She said half the interview will be in English, so she’s a bit nervous!

I’ve been trying to acquire a big box to send some clothes home in (unfortunately not everything will fit in my suitcases :/) the last couple of weeks, and in the past 18 hours I’ve acquired four! Marina brought me three last night (all different sizes) from her dad’s store and then Carmen texted me this morning and said she could take me to her husband’s family’s store to look for some (I’d been trying to arrange a meeting with her for like the past three weeks and it just happened to work out the day after Marina stopped by. But, I still went because I figured it wouldn’t hurt to see what was out there. I’m glad I went too, because I got this super ginormous one that even my huge Columbia coat can lay comfortably flat in! Although now I just have to decide if I want to ship something that big…because I’m sure I could get everything to fit in (granted things wouldn’t lay flat) one of Marina’s.

I think I’m going to wait at least another week before I send it in order to earn as much money as possible—I’m really nervous about and dreading the cost… :(


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oh my goodness…it’s already APRIL (Happy April Fools’ Day!)—SAY WHAT??? Oh and it’s a lovely 66 degrees and the start of Semana Santa as well!

That is all. :D
