Thursday, February 17, 2011

I feel like Winnie-the-Pooh and this blustery day! The sun has peeked through the clouds a few times, but mostly it’s been overcast and windy, too, of course. With the temperature having dropped the last few days, it’s a mighty cold wind, as well!

On my way to school, I again met Pilar and José Carlos. I thought they lived in the apartments that are right there, but actually they said they have coffee in the little café next door every morning. I also found out that Andrés, a kid in 5B, is José Carlos’ son, when we went and picked him up on our way to school. This was the first time we did so, though I’m not sure why.

When I got to 2A, Fran said they had an exam and that I didn’t have to stick around because there wouldn’t really be anything I could do. So…I went to the Sala de Profes, had a café and tried to figure out Sudoku on my phone. I’ve never really played the game before and I just don’t understand it…either that or I just don’t like thinking games—I think it’s the latte, haha!

After my free hour, I went to 6B. We talked/they made their own valentines. For some reason, I thought we had already talked about it last week and so I left my valentine at home…oops! It was ok though, because Pilar had examples from other classes for me to use.

Third was five years B. The basically did the same as last week and talked about carnival again, then listened to the song on CD, whilst we acted out each character. Oh and I also read them a short little story about Max, Poppy and Ellie dressing up like pirates, ghosts and policemen.

The last two hours were with the four-year-olds. I asked Sandra if Pilar ever said anything to her about the “disorganized classroom” last week and apparently she didn’t. In B, which is first, they did a coloring sheet with squares and circles—in which they had to color the squares pink and circles orange. For some, it was surprisingly difficult! Then on the back they had to write the numbers 1-5. I always go around and help Sandra and most of the time I have to speak Spanish because they’re so young and don’t understand much English. And, like every time, there are these two or three students that laugh at my accent, whenever I say anything! But they’re four I guess…

Many times Sandra plans different things for A and B because A behaves so much better. So with A I read them a story about a bee that makes honey and then we did a bee coloring sheet and they had to draw in a flower with the bee, just as in the story.

I have class (it should be Carlos’ turn today) in like an hour at four o’clock. I’m not sure what kind of homework he’ll have, but I would like to practice the alphabet. When we practiced it a couple of weeks ago, he didn’t know it too well…and it’s kinda essential to know!

I also got an email last night from the people holding my package hostage in Madrid. I went and paid the 43.09€ at a bank on Monday. In the email they said “It’s our pleasure to inform you that your package has left our office…” Really?! It’s your pleasure? Of course it is—I just paid you 58 dollars to RECEIVE a package that had already been paid for. If I don’t get it today, it better come tomorrow.


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