Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today wasn’t nearly as rainy as yesterday, but it’s not that nice either. It has been cold, windy and dreary, though. It’s been lightly raining on and off for the last few hours…and of course, as is my luck, it was when I walked home.

5B was first. María José said they got back from Madrid at 11:45 last night, so she was really tired today! They started a new unit, all about sports…handball, gymnastics, bowling (I never knew that was a sport), soccer, kite surfing, judo and karate (which I thought were the same thing, but apparently not). We did several activities with those—repeating the words, descriptions and talked about who practiced what.

I had the three fourth levels today and we talked about U.S. presidents in honor of Presidents Day (next Monday!). I found a webpage that listed all the presidents with bios, so we took a look at that—looked at a few in particular…Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Clinton, the Bushes and of course, Obama. Then the classes colored a picture of número uno, Mr. George Washington! Leave it to Rocío to find coloring pages about Presidents Day…haha!

Third hour was 1A and they were a bit on the terrible side today. I pretty much sat there the whole time because they wouldn’t stop talking (in some cases shouting!) and were just like up and all over the place. Espe had wanted to do a game with their shape mobiles they made, but after getting nowhere after like 20 minutes, she had them put them away and get out their books. For about the last ten minutes they sort of did a workbook page. When I left, she was making them sit there for a while longer and miss some recreo. Most of them deserved it—exactly half of the class’ names were on the board. Yeah…she yelled a lot today.

Well, it’s no longer raining, just overcast at the moment, but it looks like it could start again at any time. Not that I had any plans to go anywhere else, but that’s the one downfall of walking everywhere—you have to brave the elements…no matter what they are!


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