Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hooray for the weekend…and I got paid today! Today went by pretty quickly. First hour I had 2A. We went over the Alphabet, like we did in 2B the other day and they had to come up with words that started with the letter I chose. Fran then put the farm animal flashcards on the board and the kids had to come up and spell the animals; then we spelled them out loud together.

6B was next and we read the story about Kimani, the oldest pupil in the world, again and I asked them comprehension questions. Later, we played BINGO! with their profession vocab.

In five years B, we sang the song about greetings and the weather. We later played this “dominoes” game, where we all had two flashcards and we had to place the similar ones (i.e. doll, car, ball) next to each other, so that they were touching. The game took quite a while though, so that’s really the only thing we had time for, before “breakfast time” (ten minutes before class gets out).

The last two hours I was with the four-year-olds. I tried to read the first class a story, but they were much too rowdy and so Sandra decided to skip the story and go right for a worksheet. They had to color things in the park—swing, slide, tree, etc. With the second class, we did another activity where they had to punch out their picture (instead of cutting it with scissors) and then Sandra I and wrote park words underneath the flaps, folded them and the kids had to rewrite the words. That was it for those classes...the four-year-olds always get ready to leave about 15 minutes early, so I was able to leave too!

I have my lesson with Juan Antonio at four o ‘clock today and after that, I need to go to the bank to deposit my check. I don’t actually have class tomorrow, but I may go in to send a fax to Madrid to release my package. I have no idea why this is different than the first one, but it’s taking forever to get! I just want my package, is that too much to ask? Now they’re saying they need a declaration of exactly what it contains and the approximate value before they’ll release it. Come on, already!


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