Monday, February 28, 2011

I can’t believe it’s the last day of February! Where has the time gone? According to my weather thing, it’s not that much colder than yesterday—it’s reading 48—but the wind is blowing today and that make a big difference…so it feels colder than it actually is, you know? The sun’s been playing peek-a-boo with the clouds all day, so when the clouds take over, it feels a lot colder too.

Today was fairly easy. I forgot that Pilar told me on Thursday that they have diagnostic testing today, tomorrow and Wednesday, so there wouldn’t be any class with 6C first hour. I would have brought something to do had I remembered, but I didn’t, so I basically sat in the teacher’s lounge and drank one coffee after another (and yes, I had to go to the bathroom a couple extra times today!)

2B was second hour and they started a new unit about clothes. I read over the words with them for pronunciation practice and later I wrote on the board two descriptions of outfits (one boy and one girl…green cap/red and orange sweater/pink skirt/yellow boots…) and had them copy them down and draw/color them.

Third and fifth hours (with fourth hour being my regularly free hour) were 3B and A and as per usual, I sat there whilst they kind of did an activity. Lourdes’ actually class, 3A usually behaves so much better than 3B, but today, I gotta say, I think they were worse. They kept being like “Teacher, what’s that? (she was writing stuff on the board) Can I…?” Teacher this and teacher that…the whole hour! Let’s just say I was glad when two o’clock rolled around!

My lesson with Juan An’s in about 45 minutes. Not sure what we’ll be doing today, since I didn’t have class with him, because of the testing. If nothing else though, I’ll help him with his science…it’s bilingual. I don’t like doing science—I know nothing about it! Sometimes he’s like “How do you say this word/What does this mean?” And I think “Hmm…that’s a good question!” Sometimes we learn together!


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