Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The spectacular weather continues today! I’d say it was at least 60…not bad for February! While I was with the three-year-olds, they got a new student! Julia and I thought it was a girl at first (we saw him from a far with long hair) but no; his name’s Deivid and he’s from Ecuador, I believe. He cried for a little while after his mom left, but all the kids were super nice and were like “don’t cry!” it was really cute!

In 5A we corrected homework for the majority of the time, which was kinda boring, but I got to do it with them at least. Any time spent in the classroom is good, I guess, regardless of what you’re doing.

We reviewed shapes (triangle, square, circle, star) in 1B and then we listened to this song and we made up actions for the words as we sang them. I know I’ve said this before, but their overall behavior is not as good as it was a couple of months ago…we seem to accomplish less, in both class, 1A and B, than we did before. Espe has to wait more for them to be quiet and they’re just altogether rowdier :(.

In five years A we reviewed the short little story we read last week. Espe then handed out the story cards to different students and as we listened to the story on CD, each student had to hold up the corresponding card. Later, they did a worksheet where they had to circle all the characters in the story and color them (of course!).

We did more correcting of the homework in 6A…so nothing too exciting. On way home I stopped at the store and got a loaf of bread because for some reason, I had a huge craving for it! I’ve spent a good chunk of time this afternoon making an example Valentine’s Day card. Since it’s next week, I just figured we would talk about it next week and I’d have plenty of time to make a card, but NO! I was talking with Rocío earlier and she was like “so yeah, we’ll talk about it tomorrow!” I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I didn’t have time to make it this afternoon. Besides, now it’s done and I can do something else…like cook the hamburger meat I took out of the freezer two days ago!


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