Monday, February 7, 2011

I’m still congested today, but I’m surviving! The weather’s been awesome the last couple of days! I actually got hot walking home from school today and I wasn’t even wearing gloves! Perhaps spring is coming early…I can dream, at least!

In 6C we reviewed their vocab and then I corrected some of their homework with them. They were kinda talkative today and Pilar told me they were on punishment, from Friday, when they wouldn’t stop chatting apparently…that’s what happens on Fridays, though.

I spent half of the first half of the hour with 2B waiting for them to finish up with some science stuff. They were in a different room, one with a projector, so I waited out in the hall on a bench. Not that I minded though, my head ached this morning. When they got back to the room, there was only about 25 minutes left and Fran checked off their homework (which takes a long time with seven-year-olds, I have learned). Afterwards, I went over pronunciation of their vocab words—food—and then asked each what their favorite food or drink was. It was kinda funny (and by funny, I mean a little racist) but when I got to the Chinese kid (he really is, I don’t just mean he’s Asian) Fran asked him if he liked rice! I wanted to laugh, but then I stopped myself.

3A and B weren’t too bad today. The troublemaker of all troublemakers wasn’t there, so Lourdes didn’t have to deal with him and she was actually able to explain a worksheet to them! I didn’t know if I’d ever see the day! Their studying food also, although different than second level.

I was so hungry when I got home…I don’t know why—I’m usually hungry, but not that hungry! I had some leftover rice (Jesús, Will and Gunita went for Chino last night and brought me back some because I didn’t feel like leaving) and some mandarinas. I never eat that much on Mondays or Thursdays because Emi (Juan An and Carlos’ mom) will make me eat a ton while we have café after our lesson. Regardless of how much I eat for lunch, she’s always like “come! come!” Yeah, she’s really nice, though!


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