Sunday, February 6, 2011

I have another cold…ugh! It started Friday with my throat being a bother—just kinda dry and scratchy, but nothing painful. I didn’t sleep well Friday night because I couldn’t breathe and I was congested. I woke up yesterday and felt the same, so really the only thing I did was go to mass at 6:30 last night. I went to the one by school—San José. There was also one at another church at 7:30, but I decided earlier would be better. I’m kind of ashamed to admit it, well not kind of, I’m actually completely ashamed to admit it, but that was the first time I’ve been mass while here. I decided that it was time to get reacquainted with Our Lord!

I came home and crawled back into bed and stayed there for the rest of the night. I woke up this morning and still feel the same. Again, I didn’t sleep to well last night. So…I’ve pretty much been a lazy bum today! I did a load of laundry and hung it up to dry and that’s quite literally all I’ve accomplished. I just don’t have the energy (totally the Gilroy side of me, haha!) to do anything. I feel so blah. Maybe tomorrow will be better…hopefully, since tomorrow’s Monday!


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