Monday, February 14, 2011

¡FELIZ DÍA DE SAN VALENTÍN! Unfortunately, Saint Valentine has decided to bring winter with him…it was so much colder today than it has been lately. Yesterday was kind of a preview though—it was overcast and rained for a bit too. No rain yet today (knock on wood!), but they’re calling for some tomorrow.

I set out for school and ran into the first grade teachers leaving their apartment (which I didn’t know before, but it’s very close to ours!) and they offered me a ride. Of course I said yes, because it was cold. When I got to school, I showed Aurora the email that I got about having to pay 43€ and she looked over it and told me which bank to go to. Luckily, I have a free hour on Mondays (the only day!) so I was able to go during fourth hour and take care of it (I hope!).

I had 6C first and we read the section about Valentine’s Day from their books. Later, I showed them my example and then they made their own. I know it’s good to show them examples, so they have some sort of an idea, but the bad part is then several of them copied it—that wasn’t the idea!

With 2B we did the same thing that we did with 2A last Thursday—I described different farm animals from their book, including what color hat they were wearing and food they were eating, and they had to guess which I was talking about. I did several and then we had students come up so they could choose one for the class to guess. And one thing that I don’t like about British English—for descriptions, they say “she’s got a hat/a pear” (or at least that’s how it is in their book) and I kept saying “she’s wearing a hat/eating a pear” and they were like “what?”.

3B had a science exam, and so I sat there the whole time. Fortunately, it wasn’t that bad because the worst kid wasn’t there—apparently, he hit one of his classmates in the eye last week and earned a week in the principal’s office. They still talked and cheated like crazy…but it was so much better than it normally is. That one kid sure does have a huge effect on the others!

I went to the bank fourth hour and came back for 3B last hour. They exchanged Valentine’s cards! They even surprised me with one! It was so unexpected—they were like “you’re the best teacher!” don’t know about that…I never get to do anything because it’s always so chaotic! Lourdes had them come up to the front and read them. Unfortunately, it was hard to hear because the worst kid of that class kept yelling and jumping around from desk to desk (he literally jumped on the desks, some of which had kids sitting in them). Lourdes called the office, but I didn’t hear what was said and she kept threatening to go get the principal but she never did.

I have my lesson at four (in like 25 minutes!) I think with Juan An today…but we’ll see when I get there. And having gotten to know Emi over the past several weeks—I didn’t eat too much for lunch!


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