Friday, February 25, 2011

It’s sunny and 65 degrees today—or at least it was; probably not so much now that the sun is going down. I just shut my window a few minutes ago and it’s still really nice out there!

I feel like today has been a productive day! I went to Carmen’s a little after 10:30 and we had our chat and espressos! We talked more about politics. She told me all about Franco and how not everyone hated him (as I had believed). I guess that’s the fault of American textbooks, because I’ve always read that he was this horrible person whom oppressed the Spanish people for some forty years and was terribly disliked. Granted many people despised him, on the other hand, many liked him because he truly took care of his people (as long as you were on his side, that is) and he didn’t put up with ANY crime. I love our chats…they’re super interesting and I learn lots, too!

I left Carmen’s about 12:45 and went to the market to look for some white leggings and a sweater to wear with my carnaval costume. The dress itself it rather see-through and I want to have a sweater in case it’s chilly. Unfortunately, I didn’t really find anything.

I went to the store after I left the market and when I got home Jesús, Gunita and I went to lunch at Stone (Will didn’t want to go). Whilst eating lunch, Jesús mentioned that (and I had forgotten that Emi did too yesterday) there’s this thing called FeriaStock this weekend. Basically it’s like this ginormous sale of regularly expensive items and apparently, they sell everything, so I can look for legging and a sweater there!

When we got back from lunch I cleaned the bathroom (hence the productive part of my day!). I mean I like really cleaned it…I scrubbed the sink, the walls, the toilet, swept and mopped too! I also swept and mopped the hallway, living room and kitchen. There’s something about having a clean house that just makes you feel better, you know?

Now I’m just kind of hanging out. I’m tired, but it’s too late to take a nap, otherwise I won’t sleep tonight. I’ll just go to bed early! Jesús is coming over at 11 tomorrow morning to go to FeriaStock, so I’ll have to get up and get myself into gear fairly early for a Saturday!


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