Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I had lots of free time today! First hour I was finally able to have class with 5B! I hadn’t had class with them since well before Christmas! The schedule conflict has been resolved, so I’m back on track with them now! We talked about unique buildings, like I did with 5A the other day.

Second hour I didn’t have class because Rocío had to go to the high school to meet with her son’s teacher. Third hour I had 1A and we reviewed some park vocab and then Esperanza and I hung the flashcards around the room and then we had the kids point to the different words as we said them.

On the way to 4C with Rocío I ran into Pilar and she told me that Rocío’s uncle had died and she was at church, though I didn’t understand if it was for a rosary or just to pray for him or what. So I went with Pilar to 6A and we played BINGO!

Last hour Pilar said I could just go home, but as I was leaving, I ran into Rocío. I didn’t go to class with her though because they were doing some sort of standardized test preparation with computers. Instead, I looked for some Valentine’s and Presidents’ Day activities.

Because I didn’t have class last hour, I was able to leave about ten minutes early. I came home, had some lunch and now I’m just kinda hanging out and watching How I Met Your Mother. Today is also Arturo’s birthday, so he’s coming over about ten o’clock and we’re going to have some cake!


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