Friday, February 4, 2011

Today I had my lesson with Carmen at 11:00. I went over to her house again and we talked about TV shows, smoking (which was banned here after the New Year) and also politics, go figure…that was a very “not me” conversation! It was interesting though…she talked about Zapatero and I talked about Bush and Obama—we talked for about two hours!

From there I went to school to have Aurora send the list of items that are in my package in Madrid. I got there a little after one and Aurora was in class—which I was confused about because I could have sworn she told me to come around that time. I had to print out the list and luckily Alberto walked in and was like “oh, you can use my computer…it’s all yours, I have to go to class.” Sweet! So I printed it out and waited for Aurora to come back (though I didn’t have to wait long, maybe like five minutes, so I don’t think she was actually in class…but whatever). I had hoped that she’d fax it right away, but she had to leave right away for a meeting at city hall, so she said she’d do it Monday. I totally appreciate her doing this for me, because she doesn’t have to…but that’s another three days—I just want my package!

I got home about two o’clock and heated up some tortilla de patata that I got at the store a couple of weeks ago and had frozen. I love it…it’s so good! I also made some more arroz con leche! I’ve tried it before at home and thought it was disgusting, but here, it’s like, so good! It’s totally becoming one of my favorite things to make! It’s been a very Spanish food day!


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