Monday, May 14, 2012

Today it’s a warm 86 degrees…sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky!

So it’s been a few days! This weekend I’ve been a busy little bee applying for more jobs! On Friday I sent my resume into Des Moines (because apparently their application isn’t internationally user-friendly!) and contacted West Des Moines, but haven’t heard anything from them yet. Then almost all Saturday I was working on an app for Overland Park; actually I applied for three positions and yesterday I applied to Topeka. I have no idea if I’ll hear anything from any of them, but it helps to ease my mind when I’m proactive!

So, on to today! With the sixth levels this morning we started a new unit about “Our Planet” which basically includes things you can do on vacation: take a picnic (yes, they say “take”), jump in the sea, look for treasure (SWEET!) and several more… They copied the vocab, we did some pronunciation practice and we ended with me asking them questions about what they did on their last holiday.

4A had an exam so Analen said I could take advantage of the time and do whatever. So I went to the office to tell Alberto the fax thing had been resolved but he wasn’t there, so I ended up talking to Mari Tere for a bit. Oh and I forgot, yesterday I also made some chocolate chip cookies and brought those in today.

To the three-year-olds I reread the story of Ellie and the Trash Bin. Then the worksheet really had nothing to do with that (they had to color the stem of a flower and put green stickers on a white section of the grass), but whatever!

Class at 4:30 and THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


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