Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This afternoon it’s a pretty cloudy 80 degrees; there’s a nice breeze too, so it’s not hot!

Well, it was my last Tuesday…sigh. Rocío’s classes showed me their dances for the end of the year festival and we sang the songs too—one by Rihanna and the other by a South or Central American singer, not sure which. Technically, I didn’t sing the latter with them, just kinda be-bopped my head!

I didn’t have class with Marina today (1B or 5A) because she was correcting the standardized-ish tests they gave last week. So I had two free hours…which was nice because it was second and fourth hours, so I was off every other hour!

We did a worksheet in Analen’s class where they had to unscramble some words and then count all the food items in the garden and color only what was written. For example, it would say something like “color 19 tomatoes” and there would be like 23. I explained the worksheet and that was it. As we were leaving for recreo they all ran up and gave me hugs and were like “Don’t go…why do you have to go?” That was sad, but tomorrow is going to be brutal!!

Tomorrow…it all ends; two years coming to a close. I think I’m going to Marina’s class as usual, but I told the others I was going to float around and say goodbye to everyone…so very little real class. I don’t know how it’s gonna go; hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Yes…I have extra tissues.

SIX days.


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