Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Currently it’s 68 and totally sunny! Now if it could just stay like this! No colder, no hotter (well, maybe a little hotter!)

Yesterday my computer decided it didn’t want to start up. Like, it turned on just fine and then the screen stayed black/gray. It’s done that a few times before and has always started up within the hour…don’t know if it’s updating or what…but not this time! I turned it on a little before 2:30 when a got home and I woke up this morning and the screen was still gray (with the computery humming noise that tells you it’s on).

Perhaps since I’ve been such a job application Nazi lately that was God’s way of ensuring I took a break.  I started to get worried and didn’t really know what I was gonna do! I even borrowed a computer from school and brought it home with me today…I mean, my computer is, like, my life, especially here!

Thanks to the Good Lord above, though, the screen was black when I got home a little while ago, meaning everything had loaded and gone to sleep from inactivity. I was (and am!) so incredibly happy, you would’ve thought I’d been offered a job in Lincoln!

Today could have possibly been the easiest day in my two years here: Rocío had to proctor an exam first hour, so no class. Today there was also a general education strike, so many teachers and students didn’t come.

Marina was there but the 1B regular teacher and like 2/3rds of the kids weren’t…so no class second hour. Analen there today, along with nine students, so we went to the video room and watched Scooby Doo videos. Fourth hour Marina had to fill in for one of the sixth levels because Marilu and someone else wasn’t there…so no class with her fifth.

So the only real class I had was Rocío’s last hour. They’ve started to prepare their song/dance for the end of the year festival (Rihanna’s We Found Love) so I helped with the pronunciation, we sang it and watched a music video. That was my day…pretty relaxing. With all my free time I was able to google tech support and tried to find a computer solution…but I don’t need it now!

Class at 4:30 and 7:30 and in between…more applications. Thanks for the break yesterday, God!


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